Hagai Rehavia, one of Israeli's most prominent guitarists, has arranged this album of Israeli songs for classical guitar. Notation includes chords, as well as tabs.
- Zo yalduti hash'nia (Mati Caspi) �� ������ �����
- Erev kachol amok (Shlomo Yidov) ��� ���� ����
- Ani v'ata (Miki Gabrielov) ��� ����
- Hachnisi tachat k'nafekha (Miki Gabrielov) ������ ��� �����
- Ze hakol bishvileikh (Dani Sanderson) �� ��� ������
- Anita v'Juan (Romance) (Nachum Heiman) ����� �����
- Yeish ei sham (Yoni Rechter) �� �� ��
- Hasimla hasegola (Sasha Argov) ����� ������
- Hatishma koli (Shmuel Krauss) ����� ����
- Roim rachok roim shakuf (Shmuel Krauss) ����� ���� ����� ����
- Shir ahava tari (Boi yalda) (Shlomo Gronich) �(��� ���� ��� (���� ����
- Maya (Shalom Hanoch) ����
- Acharei shenasata (Mati Caspi) ���� �����
- Anachnu lo ts'richim (Shmuel Imberman) ����� �� ������
- Tirkod (Shlomo Artsi) �����
- Makom l'da'aga (Mati Caspi) ���� �����
- Shiur moledet (Ephraim Shamir) ����� �����
- S'lichot (Oded Lerer) ������
- Ani gitara (Naomi Shemer) ��� �����
- Rikud hahobitim (Shem Tov Levi) ����� ��������
- Chofim (Nachum Heiman) �����
- K'she'or doleik bachalonkha (Sasha Argov) ����� ���� �������
- Fuga k'tana (Nachum Heiman) ���� ����
- Pizmon l'yakinton (Rivka Gvilli) ����� ��������
- Tsiporim nodedot (Effi Netzer) ������� ������
Includes CD with performance of all the arrangements.
Visit Hagai's website: www.hagairehavia.com
Published by Mifalei Tarbut v'Chinuch-Modan
very good
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